Masuk Daftar

tanda coret bahasa Inggris

  • tanda:    clue; exhibit; forerunner; grave accent;
  • coret:    dash; streak; smear; stroke; scratch
  • coret-coretan:    doodle
  • mencorat-coret:    doodle; doodled; doodling; scrawl; scrawled; scrawling
  • mencoret-coret:    doodle; scribble
  • kertas corat-coret:    scratch paper
  • tanda:    clue; exhibit; forerunner; grave accent; hallmark; indication; mark; omen; portent; precursor; sign; symbolize; symptom; token; trace; vestige; sign (linguistics); marker; pledge; prognostic; german
  • tanda-tanda:    auspices; boding; spark; suggestion; suspicion; foreboding; misgiving; presentiment
  • menunjukkan tanda-tanda:    bear evidence of; bearing evidence of; bore evidence of; born evidence of; borne evidence of; given evidence of; showed evidence of; shown evidence of
  • menunjukkan tanda-tanda dari:    gave evidence of; giving evidence of; show evidence of; showing evidence of
  • tanpa tanda-tanda:    not a shadow of
  • barisan tanda:    sign sequence
  • cupang (tanda):    hickey
  • fungsi tanda:    sign function
  • gardu tanda:    signal box